Online writing jobs provide freelance writers with plenty of ongoing work and the opportunity to earn a steady paycheck or supplemental income working from home. Unfortunately, freelance writing for online clients is extremely competitive. Unless you know how to market yourself skillfully and convince high paying clients to outsource work to you, you may find yourself working for under minimum wage and competing for jobs that don’t really interest you.
Our free 50-page eBook, Online Writing Jobs for Freelance Writers, can help you overcome some of the struggles that you may encounter during the start-up phase of writing from home. We introduce you to the most common writing jobs that pay average to high rates as well as offer you valuable advice on landing writing jobs in your specialty.
We dissect each writing specialty to show you:
- the importance and demand of the writing specialty;
- where to find freelance jobs;
- how to apply to the freelance job;
- how to convince prospective clients to hire you;
- what skills you need; and
- how to market yourself
Despite what many book authors will tell you, there are no secrets to succeed at freelance writing. The two skills you need to hone and continually develop are writing skills and marketing skills. Without writing skills…well, you cannot really call yourself a professional freelance writer. Without marketing skills, you will lack the ability to promote yourself and your services and convince editors, publishers and prospective clients to hire you. You need both skills to generate a continual flow of work that will earn you a steady paycheck.
Online Writing Jobs for Freelance Writers is a no-nonsense, concisely-written ebook intended to teach you proven techniques to succeed as a part-time or full-time freelance writer.
We have formatted our eBook as .pdf file so that you can read it online, on any mobile device, or in any iPhone or iPad .pdf app reader, such as Kindle.
Cover Artwork: Monica Mizzi