Our free ebook, “Artistic Freelance Writing: How to Use Art and Imagery in Your Writing” will help you transform the abstract into the concrete. Often a writer can construct complete images by the use of several details. What these details should be, and what the writer’s method of presenting them, depends entirely on the purpose of the writer. His first duty, therefore, in trying to create a full and unified image is to ask himself what his purpose is in presenting the image to the reader.
Some words, or patterns of words, make pleasing or suggestive sound-images irrespective of their meaning. An appeal to the senses is the only way to create images. Mere factual knowledge is worse than nothing so far as art is concerned.
From the many definitions of art which authors have written, the best and most useful definition is summed up by the Italian philosopher, Benedetto Croce. To Croce, art is “intuition.” That is to say, art is vision, contemplation, imagination, fancy, figurations, representations, and so on. Our ebook will teach you how to use all of these artistic elements in your writing.
Cover Artwork by Allison Tomazin